MLT structure- How we operate


Mission for Language Translation, MLT is led by the Holy Spirit, since Jesus Christ is its Owner. Specifically, He does this though MLT Board of Trustees as the ultimate decision makers.

The Executive Board/Committee acts for the Trustees. The EB/EC appoints and works with the Coordinator (Executive Director) who oversees the day—to-day work of MLT and appoints Departmental Heads (Directors) subject to EB/EC approval. The Directors appoint Managers for Units in their Department once the Coordinator approves. Unit Managers recommend Officers for roles in their Units.


      MLT does its work through  four(4) Teams (Departments or Directorates). Each Team is led by a Director.

(1) Translation

(2) Training

(3) Missions & Scripture Use

(4) Logistics.

 Each department has three(3) Units.


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